ADDAL30.ZIP 3,682 10-13-92 ADDA v. L-30 -- converts Lync 3.0 dialingdirectories (PHN files) to a formatted asciiand back. ADDA makes it easy to build newdialing directories. Handy utility.
AKBB0692.ZIP 3,991 06-09-92 List of bbs's in Alaska.
ALAD162.ZIP 261,245 08-17-92 GEnie's Alladin (tm) - intelligent front-endautocomm to navigate mail and Roundtablesand file transfers, etc. To minimize onlinecosts and maximize utility of GEnie. Freeware.
ALADDIN.ZIP 373,969 01-16-92 Terminal program and doc file for the all
AMAIL210.ZIP 36,111 01-05-92 Automated mail runs.
AMLST006.ZIP 74,872 08-01-92 AUG 92 Issue of AMERIBOARDS BBS Listing.
ANA200.ZIP 275,657 06-05-92 ANALYSIS Version 2.00. Analyses phone use,etc from communications program logs.
AOL13_1.ZIP 453,207 03-18-92 America On-Line Free Software/UpgradeVersion 1.3 Disk 1 of 2 TELEDISKED!
AOL13_2.ZIP 487,195 03-18-92 America On-Line Free Software/UpgradeVersion 1.3 Disk 2 of 2 TELEDISKED!
AOLGUIDE.ZIP 31,533 05-20-92 Online service guide for AMERICA ON LINE andPC LINK.
ASPBBS24.ZIP 59,140 10-25-92 ASP approved BBS list 31 Oct. 1992
ATO69A.ZIP 139,698 09-07-92 ATO v6.9A Communications Program to AutomateMailing Process, File Transfers and TerminalEmulations for CompuServe Forum Access MAINPROGRAM/HELP 1/2 For now use ATODOC 2/2
ATOBR300.ZIP 47,071 09-09-92 ATOBRO v3.00: allows you to view CIS forumlibrary catalogs, complete catalogs/IBMNETsummary files, search for files, & generatean Autosig script for fast downloading ofthose files you've selected; 09/09/92;Vernon D. Buerg/Don Watkins.
AUTODL16.ZIP 42,965 01-18-92 Auto Dialer 1.6, More bugs fixed, Feature
AXSEH92B.ZIP 19,182 01-21-92 Edhost -- edit Telix/Execpremhost files w
AZMODEM.ZIP 48,073 08-25-92 Advanced zmodem (tm).
BALT9209.ZIP 3,884 09-28-92 TWP Baltimore BBS List
BAYLST5.ZIP 13,344 09-28-92 October Edition of the Bay Area BBS List
BBS1092B.ZIP 96,192 10-11-92 The LIST bbs list for 10/92
BBS1192C.ZIP 91,713 11-13-92 The List: National IBM BBS listing.
BBS800.ZIP 3,344 07-06-92 Partial List of 800 BBS Numbers. some areSIGN up voice numbers.... so not all listedare "free" bbs
BBS9207.ZIP 189,508 07-06-92 National Australian BBS lists
BBX204.ZIP 17,310 10-03-92 BRKBOX 2.04 10/03/92 BRKBOX is a softwareversion of a hardware breakout box. Itdisplays the status of a COM or LPT portinside your PC. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems(ASP).
BD.ZIP 107,508 04-22-92 Backdown 1.0 A TSR utility that allows youto start & manage communications sessions inthe background including downloading whileworking in your foreground applications. This is featured in PC Magazine underUtilities for May 12, 1992.
BGFT300A.ZIP 296,701 10-13-92 Dirac system's Comm program, usable in wind
BGFT300B.ZIP 114,491 10-13-92 Part 2 of Dirac's Comm program
BIGD1102.ZIP 21,540 11-02-92 Big D OnLine Dallas/FW BBS Listing11/02/1992 OnLine
BLTCAP15.ZIP 35,166 09-11-92 BLTCAP V 1.5 Bulletin Capture Program forICOM. Now handles conference specificbulletins, is Windows friendly,etc
BRZILBBS.ZIP 7,373 02-01-92 2/92 List of Brazilian BBS
BUG14.ZIP 23,737 04-03-92 4361 Byte Comm Program - World's Smallest!
C1AFT101.ZIP 30,271 02-02-92 C1AFT is a Procomm Plus srcipt file thatautomates the use of MARKMAIL, Prodoor filedownloading, and Zippy dir scans Sourcefiles included.
C64TERM.ZIP 135,534 07-23-92 Color Terminal Program for Logging on to aC64 or Commodore Bulletin Board. V-5c. Also included is a text file for loggingonto BBS-s that require a Shift-@ for colormode.
CAPEBBS9.ZIP 7,854 10-24-92 Cape Cod BBS listing ver 9 w/CAPEBBS.FON fordialing with TELIX. This has more bbs'sadded and corrections.
CATSPL11.ZIP 4,254 04-10-92 CatSplit v1.1: large catalog splitterutility for OzCIS; 04/10/92; Steve Sneed
CBBS0992.ZIP 42,585 09-09-92 The stillwaters list september 92 ascii
CGTERM10.ZIP 25,407 11-27-92 Comm program with pascal source Ported fromthe commodore
CHEAPDBS.ZIP 3,319 06-24-92 A Sampling of low cost on-line databases.
CILNK255.ZIP 348,466 11-21-92 Cedar Island Link v2.55 - Elegant, simple touse mouse-based communications programSupports Zmodem auto & resume, & 8 otherinternal protocols + 4 externals. w/GIF view
CIM2OZ.ZIP 8,164 08-08-92 Converts Compuserve Information Managerformats to OZCIS. (Dir 2)
CIMLAP.EXE 259,842 02-13-92 Stand alone version of online phone systemmanager. SFX LHA 2.11, 1/15/92.
CIS1092.ZIP 9,897 10-01-92 10/1/92 listing of 2400/9600 Compuserve #
CISBL110.ZIP 30,860 09-16-92 CISBill v1.10: organizes captured CompuServebilling records for viewing and/or printing;Jane Goodale.
CISFORUM.ZIP 62,183 06-29-92 Extensive listing of CompuServe Forums andassociated Libraries, as of 6/29/92.
CISFREE2.ZIP 2,840 10-03-92 A list of "free" Compuserve services as partof their basic service.
CLSZ1109.ZIP 111,559 11-09-92 Classic ZCOMM 18.02. ZCOMM for the powerbbs'er. No graphic file transfer (likeDSZ). Extremely powerful.
COLLNET.ZIP 3,285 07-05-92 Network Application: Collectors Net 07/92.
COM2TO4.ZIP 3,779 06-15-92 Use com4 from dos as com2.
COMMGLOS.ZIP 15,128 03-14-92 Glossary of communications terms.
COMMO53.ZIP 185,221 06-20-92 {COMMO} is a very powerful full-featuredtelecommunications program. It is small insize but large in function (written in.ASM). Comprehensive macro programminglanguage is capable of automating anyprocess. Handles high speed modems withease, fully DESQview aware, plain textDialing Directory and Macro File.
COMPUTXT.ZIP 1,203 05-03-92 Announcement from Compucom Corporation, fromThe General BBS. I assume this is for real.
CONG_FAX.ZIP 7,792 04-28-92 Fax numbers for members of Congress...
CRCADS4.ZIP 1,829 07-05-92 Collection of BBS ads that can be placed inZIPLAB (program) config file so that theseads will be deleted from uploads. Forsysops.
CSNEWS.ZIP 2,777 03-21-92 NewsHound - A simple phonebook entry andscript for Xtalk that can quickly downloadthe latest AP news from Compuserv
CTBBSAPR.ZIP 15,013 04-02-92 Connecticut BBS list as of April 4, 1992. This is the very latest list, updated aboutevery four months.
CTBBSAUG.ZIP 18,657 08-29-92 The Connecticut BBS list for August 1992.
DBBS9205.ZIP 16,983 05-16-92 Denver BBS List.
DBMODM.ZIP 71,420 06-10-92 Collection of technical information aboutIntel's modems.
DCBB1192.ZIP 124,611 11-01-92 Focke/Morley verified DC area BBS list 11/92.
DEP304.ZIP 328,221 10-08-92 Deputy comms software v3.04 - from the UKeverything: mnp5 background transfers /powerful scripts / history logs / mousesupport / p.down menu system / novice mode /
DFWMAG32.ZIP 32,957 06-30-92 July 1, 1992 DFW ONLINE MAGAZINEAnnouncement of favorite dfw bbs contest
DIALCOMM.ZIP 90,114 02-14-92 Freeware communications prg from Galacticomm.
DIALZ.ZIP 63,414 06-11-92 A program that transforms your $2,000computer into an $8 alarm clock; if you havea 2nd phone line, this program will ringyour phone at the time requested; supportsCOM1-2;
DIGSCOUT.ZIP 12,404 06-03-92 Info file about the new Digicom Scout seriesof 14,400 data and Group 3 fax modems,specs, tests, command set, how to connectunder noisy line conditions etc. WolfgangHenke. 06/03/92.
DL400.ZIP 509,460 10-26-92 Rel. 2 of the software for the IntelSatisFAXtion/400 faxmodem. 10/22/92.
DLRK23.ZIP 64,609 10-13-92 Download Recordkeeper v2.3: uses the Telix3.15 usage log to keep you from downloadingfiles more than once - handy, many options.
DNLD400.ZIP 87,454 08-14-92 DOWNLOAD.400 v3.02, a critical component ofthe Intel SatisFAXtion/400. Bug-fix updateto the unit's EEPROM.
DRIVER1.ZIP 5,551 09-18-92 Slick Protocol Driver Menu System v1.0 byGary Raymond - utility to make it as easy aspossible to add external protocols orapplications to your favorite terminal progm.
DSZ0427.ZIP 91,673 04-27-92 DSZ Zmodem ver 04/27/92 File transferprotocol
DSZ0427N.ZIP 2,580 04-27-92 Info on what is new with DSZ 04/27/92 (text)
DSZ0427X.ZIP 40,358 04-27-92 DSZ Zmodem.. 04/27/92 EXE version of Zmodem
DSZ1103.ZIP 91,886 11-03-92 DSZ.COM, the X/Y/Zmodem driver for BBSsystems and external protocol module fortelecomm software. From Chuck Forsberg.
DSZ1109X.ZIP 40,265 11-09-92 Cross-compiled EXE version of DSZ 11/9/92Slightly faster than DSZ.COM but uses morememory.
DSZB1103.ZIP 39,308 11-03-92 "Background" doc on DSZ 11/03/92: This is anextract from the YAM manual and will beoverkill for most people
DSZHLP.ZIP 14,421 03-15-92 2 part text file on how to use DSZ. Can bereprinted by non-profit user groups innewsletters
DSZX1103.ZIP 40,227 11-03-92 DSZ.EXE the X/Y/Zmodem driver for BBS andexternal protocol module for telecommsoftware. Compiled w/Xenix to DOS. Fasterthan DSZ.COM but not network compatible
DVXACODE.ZIP 27,760 08-19-92 Area codes for USA, Canada, and Europe.
DWHOST2.ZIP 7,411 07-01-92 Update for Commo 5.3's host mode. (7-1-92).
DZKBB011.ZIP 30,003 09-01-92 DZK BBS-List Datafile, number 11, Septedition. Contains detailed information onover 175 BBSes World-Wide. RequiresDZKVIEW2.ZIP, BBS-List searching/browsingutility, to view. By DZK Development Group:
ECOBBSFB.ZIP 17,704 02-23-92 February 1992 list of BBSs on the Earth NET
ECOMM223.ZIP 182,875 10-19-92 an easy communication program
EDL20.ZIP 12,023 11-08-92 EDL v2.0: small phone dialer for telephonecanvassers, designed to work w/a DOScmd-line editor like DOSEDIT/DOSKEY;increases phone canvasser's performance. Bob Eyer
EDUBBS.ZIP 2,475 07-09-92 List of Education-oriented BBS systems
ENGR0892.ZIP 32,405 08-02-92 Engineering BBS list from 08/92.
ENSSCR10.ZIP 9,424 07-01-92 ENSSCR v1.0: 4 OzCIS scripts to help youautomate retrieval of items from one or moreof your personal Executive News Service(ENS) clipping folders; 07/01/92; Roger D. Lange
EZRECV10.ZIP 83,700 11-18-92 Express Zmodem Ver 1.0- This prog. providesunattened background Zmodem capability forDos machines. This pog. allows user tomanipulate previously received files whiletranfers continue.
FASECRET.ZIP 8,598 07-26-92 Secrets of Flash Attack - Advanced tips book1st edition written by Danny Biegel, aka. Spaceman on the Argus BBS (MajorBBS)
FBBS0592.ZIP 4,595 05-01-92 Labor News' list of public Fed Govt BBSs
FCC92.ZIP 3,982 07-16-92 The Fcc is Once Again Considering ASurcharge on Modem Usage. This is CurrentStuff From July of 1992, And Not The Old FccMaterial From 1987. What it Is, And Who toWrite
FCC_ALL.ZIP 144,354 10-01-92 1992! Complete info on CURRENT FCC proposedModem User Fees. Includes text, sampleletters, addresses and responses rec'd fromSenators. Fully Functional-Ltrs ready 2GO! Also has Users Rights Bill by Jim Warren. ALL SYSOPS, EMAIL, BBS USERS MUST DOWNLOAD!!
FDTEL050.ZIP 7,505 07-17-92 Compute your phone bill for FrontDoor. Belgian made.
FREE0892.ZIP 2,769 08-01-92 August 1992 list of Libertarian BBSes.
FRX11.ZIP 222,006 04-03-92 RXFER 1.1 *FREEWARE* Robocomm 4.x add-on! Processes TRANSFER.LOG into a database,
FTPHELP.ZIP 5,213 02-13-92 FTP Help for VAX. ASCII file.
FTTU120.ZIP 20,751 07-22-92 File Transfer Time Utility v1.20 Takes userinput of file size in bytes and CPS andcalculates either hours, minutes, or secondsthe transfer will take.
FWZMOD.ZIP 30,616 08-01-92 A Zmodem protocol driver with windowedinterface.
GA_INTL.ZIP 1,652 09-16-92 Global Access TelCo -- International Rates.
GETCAT10.ZIP 10,574 10-05-92 GetCat v1.0: simple, no-frills program whichquickly generates an AutoSig script file tocapture catalog information from CompuServeforum data libraries - the resulting capturefiles can be used as inputs to AutoSig BRO
GMNU.ZIP 12,211 07-21-92 GSZ Zmodem Menu Command Shell v1.0 - Writtenby Joe Wang. C Source Included. Read TheREADME.1st File. Use w/ all BBS and CommPrograms. All Bauds.
GOVTBBS.ZIP 8,235 09-27-92 A recent effort at compiling a list of thebulletin boards run by government agenciesand other authorities.
GSZ0427.ZIP 112,467 04-27-92 Graphic Version of DSZ 04/27/92 Filetransfer Protocol
GSZ1103.ZIP 111,995 11-03-92 GSZ.EXE, the graphics version of DSZ, theX/Y/ZModem driver for BBS systems andexternal protocol module for telecommsoftware. From Chuck Forsberg.
GT1706_1.ZIP 138,172 07-11-92 GT PowerComm v17.06 (1 of 7) .DOCs and misc
GT1706_2.ZIP 198,296 08-05-92 GT PowerComm v17.06 (2 of 7) .EXE
GT1706_3.ZIP 71,512 08-05-92 GT PowerComm v17.06 (3 of 7) major protocols
GT1706_6.ZIP 98,485 08-05-92 GT Power v17.06: communications program withextensive host mode/multi-protocol support;Annoyware: opening screen gets .03 secondslonger w/each run of the program; 07/22/92;Paul Meiners MISC UTILITIES [6/7]
GTO1706A.ZIP 128,674 07-13-92 GT Power v17.06: communications program PaulMeiners TERMINAL ONLY STD [7/7].
HANDY005.ZIP 16,798 07-24-92 HandyNet: Network focused on alternativeenergy and environmental awareness. BBSthat wants to spread.
HBBS0792.ZIP 16,436 04-08-92 Hayes BBS List for July 92 -- all BBSes onthis list are running Hayes high speed(9600+ bps) modems
HBBS1192.ZIP 17,944 10-16-92 9600 Hayes BBS List for November 92
HOST503.ZIP 254,031 06-01-92 HOST v.5.03 -- HOST/BBS System for Telix.
HOUBBS05.ZIP 15,554 04-30-92 List of Bulletin Boards located in theHouston Texas area. (409) (713) area codes.
HP95BBS.ZIP 0,806 10-25-92 Do you have an HP95LX palmtop? (You oughtto!) Lots of great files for it on theinternet, via, ftp, but if you don't haveaccess, here are some dial-up BBSes thatstock HP95LX files.
HS113C4.ZIP 137,802 10-04-92 HS\Link Protocol from Sam Smith v1.13 betaC4Hi speed bi-directional transfer protocolwith many advanced features
HS113C8.ZIP 138,600 11-18-92 HS/Link Protocol from Sam Smith (beta)
HSLDR31B.ZIP 103,018 02-27-92 HS/Link Bi-Directional Transfer Protocol
HSLK2400.ZIP 6,026 05-01-92 Hs/Link Installation For 2400 Baud Modems.
HSLSHELL.ZIP 126,529 08-24-92 Tag files for uploading for use w/HSLINK
HSMAIL.ZIP 2,676 11-15-92 HS-LINK script for Telix to allow autoupload and download. Will sniff out .REPfiles, DEL as required. Pop-up statuswindows, etc.
HS_INST2.ZIP 110,204 10-20-92 Contains instructions and setup files tohelp install the HS/Link protocol in avariety of COMM and BBS programs; Samuel H. Smith
IBMBBS.ZIP 52,245 02-24-92 Scrn captr of ibm bbs files as of 5-28-92.
IEMSITLX.ZIP 5,063 02-28-92 IEMSI emulation for Telix, fast logons toall iemsi bbs's (Remote Access, Sbbs...)
INPCP101.ZIP 290,523 03-03-92 InComm PC Pursuit auto dialer v1.01 Finereplacement for ICEX
INTELDOC.ZIP 189,713 10-08-92 Data From Intel's BBS For Their Modems,General Troubleshooting, Setting up CommSoftware For Their Products.Not a users guide
JAXHOST7.ZIP 77,492 10-24-92 JaxHost v7.0; Office-to-home host comm pkg. May shell direct to CTTY, Doorway, RemDoor. Has built-in CD monitor, call logging, andcallback security, ringback,trigrd callbackand handy modem monitor for EZ setup. Canhandle extended comm port specifications(beyond com1 and com2) and opening speeds to38400. Self-registering shareware; $20Newest File in Archive: October, 1992
JMODM311.ZIP 104,625 02-02-92 Jmodem file transfer protocol - with Csource.
KBBS1192.ZIP 4,987 11-02-92 November BBS list for Knoxville area.
KBCRYP.ZIP 14,511 04-03-92 Send "secrets" by modem. To use with chatsystems.
KERM312.ZIP 241,210 09-30-92 Kermit comm program/protocol v3.12 works w. DesqView, TCP/IP, SLIP.
LISTRD12.ZIP 13,846 04-11-92 Listread 1.02.c.jpi reads any bbs list andoutputs list for selected area codes
LOCALZ.ZIP 18,845 02-19-92 LocalZ Version 1.00 released Jan 28th 1992Perform offline Zippy director scans on filelists downloaded from Bulletin Board Systems.
LOCBBS6.ZIP 2,520 06-19-92 Monterey Local Area BBS Listing as of6/19/92.
LOCFONE.ZIP 5,957 09-08-92 Locates Phone Exchanges in DC, MD, DE, NoVA.
LOGGR10.ZIP 10,472 08-20-92 Logger is a Qmodem utility that uses infofrom you Qmodem.log file to help youreconcile your phone bill.
LOGICOM2.ZIP 5,268 08-10-92 Logitch Mouse menu for {COMMO}. Thisreplaces LOGICOMO.ZIP.
LUMIN.ZIP 0,512 08-05-92 Procomm Plus aspect language file foraccessing the University of Missouri's LUMINlibrary system...
LYNC30.EXE 69,760 06-04-92 Lync 3.0 - latest version of small, fastcomm utility. Supports automatic Zmodemdownloads internally, dialing directory,host mode, function key macros, etc. Perfect laptop utility - small (less than40k) but powerful.
MAILCNF.ZIP 2,724 06-02-92 Robocomm V4.XX Scripts For Selecting AndDeselecting Conferences From Qmail4 or.
MDMFDR.ZIP 12,715 04-14-92 A War Games type auto-dialer for Hayes comptype dialer.
MED0492.ZIP 14,108 04-02-92 BBS NUMBERS
MTCOMM10.ZIP 97,461 02-17-92 New COMM program with zmodem built in.
MYCMM122.ZIP 109,552 05-09-92 MyComm v1.22: small, yet powerful, comm pgmw/built-in Zmodem, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, YmodemBatch, Ymodem Batch 1K option, SEAlink, andASCII and support for externally addedprotocols; 05/09/92.
NL2TM200.ZIP 32,841 06-15-92 Nodelist to Telemate V3.01 Fon DirectoryConverter V2.0.
ODY150.ZIP 335,838 09-24-92 ODYSSEY v1.5 - Powerful Comm Program Winnerof the UK PC Magazine Editor's Choice MNP4/4software-based error correction, backgroundfile transfers, host mode, excellentterminal emulation, built-in ZModem CISB+...much more disributed by TRIUS, Inc.
ODY150SH.ZIP 331,869 08-29-92 Full-featured communications program withplenty of special features. MNP insoftware. 43/50 line mode. scrollback withediting and paste. X/Ymodem, CIS B+,Kermit, Zmodem, all run in background. FullANSI, VT100/320, DG200 emulation. Scriptswith learn mode. Throw yourProcomm/Qmodem/Telix away.
OLC0413A.ZIP 294,993 04-13-92 Online! Professional comm pgrm, V2.0. Capable of emulating the command keystrokesof the popular comm prgms via it's EmuLinkinterface. Select default: Qmodem SST,Telix v3.15, Procomm v2.42, Boyan 5.0, Commo5.0, GT Power 16.0, CanineX HST. Features:VT100 & ANSI BBS terminal emulations, color& music support, up to 57 transfer protocolmethods.
OLC0413B.ZIP 290,713 03-09-92 Part 2 of Olc0413 communications program. This collects the protocols (availableseparately, possibly updated elsewhere on bbs
OPT144.ZIP 2,297 06-18-92 Latest Information on the Hayes Optima + FAXmodem.
OPTFAX.ZIP 2,506 07-13-92 Get the latest on Hayes Optima/Fax modems!
OS2BBS2.ZIP 2,254 11-14-92 List of BBSs specializing in OS/2.
OS2BBSW.ZIP 14,784 05-14-92 Listing of OS/2-BBS's around the world.
OTTO11.ZIP 18,255 02-12-92 Automate communications: watches screen forspecified characters and then generatesuser-specified keystrokes, sort of a genericscript language
OZCIS122.ZIP 716,799 10-17-92 OZCIS version 1.2.2. Compuserve automatedaccess program. Contains all three selfextracting exec files for the completeprogram.
OZCIS4.ZIP 138,222 03-10-92 OzCIS v1.0{ for navigating Compuserve WestSoftware DOCUMENTATION FILES [4/4] Thisversion is OK for OzCIS v1.2a files 1-3
OZCISBRO.ZIP 3,679 05-05-92 OzCIS Brochure: Description of the program.
OZCS12A1.ZIP 298,501 05-02-92 OzCIS v1.2A: for navigating Compuserve WestSoftware PROGRAM FILES [1/4].
OZCS12A2.ZIP 179,069 05-02-92 OzCIS v1.2A: for navigating Compuserve WestSoftware PROGRAM FILES [2/4].
OZCS12A3.ZIP 134,956 05-02-92 OzCIS v1.2A: for navigating Compuserve WestSoftware HELP/DB/UTIL FILES [3/4]. OZCIS4.ZIP is 4/4 - No change since last rel
OZDOC.ZIP 209,993 07-05-92 OzCIS docs in WfW format, incl. Index andver. 1.2a Readme file.
OZHELP.ZIP 159,186 03-27-92 OzCIS CompuServe Navigation Utility onlinedocumentation. Requires AUTOREAD.EXE ashareware util installed as an external inOzCIS. This file includes an integratedascii documentation file for OzCIS.
OZIRQ.ZIP 1,184 04-09-92 OZCIS is a pgm intended to provide supportfor serial ports utilizing non-standard IRQs;
OZQUOTES.ZIP 1,066 06-22-92 OZCIS script file to get stock quotes fromCIS BASICQUOTES.
OZZNT10.ZIP 0,875 07-18-92 OzCIS scripts for ZiffNet that downloads theZIPpes version of the current PC Week News &the current ZiffNet Highlights; 07/18/92;
PAGE30.ZIP 53,710 06-13-92 Pagemate Telecom Utility to Send Pager MSgsVia Modem Connects. Supports Com1 - 25,Intended For Commerical Applications.
PCBRD.ZIP 3,207 06-27-92 Generic PCBoard log on script
PCCP047.ZIP 283,193 08-28-92 Pete Cann's Communications Package. Terminal emulator with fully-configurableemulation; script processor with multiplebranching look-fors, timeouts and retrylimits; a host-session program to be usedwith the scripting facility; Class 2 faxreceiving in host mode; and three kinds ofxmodem. C sources included. $5 shareware.
PCFD_105.ZIP 160,021 05-26-92 PCFDial, a 7k TSR, dials numbers displayedon the screen by any program. Handles"vanity" numbers like 800-LANS-NOW, keeps alog of calls, and shows local time for anyarea code. Pops up regularly so you knowhow long you've talked (perfect for salesmenwho must "close the deal" in a set amount oftime). Context help. ASP shareware, v1.05,$19.00.
PCINSTAL.ZIP 66,667 06-24-92 Update to Procomm Plus PCINSTAL.EXE program.
PCMAIL51.ZIP 13,317 09-13-92 PCBMail 5.1 - Set of scripts for ProcommPlus 1.01 that will log on PC Board BBS,send and retrieve QWK mail, and thenoptionally log off or join a desiredconference. Gregg Hommel, 9/11/92.
PCNEWS3.ZIP 6,453 03-15-92 Datastorm's issue #3 of "Procomm Communique"June 1991 online version, from CIS Datastorm.
PCOM_101.ZIP 100,711 06-10-92 A good communications program. Not a lot ofbells & whistles, but solid
PCPCHK7A.ZIP 91,762 10-29-92 Check any phone number to see if it isaccessible via PC-Pursuit outdials. Updatedto include all exchanges as of 10/27/92.
PCPCHK7C.ZIP 91,844 11-16-92 Check any phone number to see if it isaccessible via PC-Pursuit outdials. Updatedto include all exchanges as of 11/16/92.
PCPINFO.ZIP 3,486 02-04-92 PC-Pursuit - Registeration and Information
PCPLA10.ZIP 41,153 09-26-92 Procomm Plus Log Analyzer v1.0 - FREEWAREFinally! A way to calculate the time youspent calling out during a specified month. Shows local & long distance calls you made. ADDS UP THE TOTAL TIME ONLINE FOR EACH BBS!! Requires Procomm Plus v2.01 or a commpackage that is compatible with thePCPLUS.FON file. (Read PCPLA.DOC for moreinfo on PCPLUS.FON) What are you
PCPWHOST.ZIP 64,777 10-09-92 Procomm+ for windows host mode fixes.
PCP_520.ZIP 7,458 05-20-92 Procomm Plus 2.xx modem setup - 5-20-92Set-up data from Datastorm for Procomm Plus2.xx and most modems.
PCVERSN.ZIP 2,042 03-15-92 Describes all current versions of allDatastorm products, from CIS Datastorm. Last revision date in archive: 03-15-1992.
PEROTBBS.ZIP 1,334 07-06-92 A new Perot support (Political) BBS goesonline! Bush and Clinton support areas aswell.
PF271.ZIP 40,754 06-22-92 Port Finder 2.71, is a COM & LPT portutility. PF activates COM3 & 4 on systemsusing DOS 3.3, 4 or 5; includes two newutilities: MTSR will display Memory ControlBlock (MCB) usage for normal & UMB memory;MUMB will show DOS 5 UMB segment locations,sizes & free space. Also displays UART typeusing a new COM port ID method.
PFZIP.ZIP 6,446 02-11-92 Park Fix Patch for Lantastic 4.1.
PHONE300.ZIP 24,382 02-11-92 Version 3.00 compiled 02-11-92 @ 07:03Allows users to list known BBS's by areacode. Lists if pay or free, and more
PHONEDEV.ZIP 6,820 09-04-92 Plans for phone warning device
PM14400.ZIP 41,527 07-05-92 PM14400FXSA strapping/configuration profilesfor various services/BBSs and .BAT files.
PMAC10.ZIP 35,549 05-21-92 PMComm Accessories package v1.0 includeslogin script for PCBoard; written in REXX/2
PMCOMMAC.ZIP 43,451 04-22-92 Utils for Multinet's PMcomm [OS/2].
PMOD703.ZIP 65,418 03-25-92 File(s) transfer via serial link. New.
POSTMSTR.ZIP 50,492 04-13-92 Postmaster v1.10 Command line messageutility for Wildcat 3.x.
PROD9600.ZIP 0,691 05-21-92 How to get 9600bps access to prodigy.
PROM304.ZIP 138,954 06-08-92 PRO-MASTER, the total online PRODIGYenhancer v3.04 Shareware ASP author Newfeatures.
PROS17.ZIP 198,658 03-23-92 Pro$tock v1.70 A Prodigy Utility
PROTOCL1.ZIP 129,434 09-14-92 Text file descriptions of: xmodem, ymodem,zmodem and bplus mostly by the authors ofthe protocols. Also, includes c source code.
PWHOST.ZIP 29,020 09-01-92 9/1/92 update of Procomm+ for Windows' HostMode and Host Util scripts.
QM45TD_1.ZIP 290,223 01-01-92 Qmodem v4.5 Test Drive 1 0f 2
QM45TD_2.ZIP 362,129 01-01-92 Qmodem v4.5 Test Drive 2 of 2
QPROCNVT.ZIP 44,580 11-13-92 Qmodem PRO v1.0 .FON file converter. Converts TELIX v3.1x, Procomm Plus v1.1x orv2.x, and Boyan v5.0 phone directories intoQMPRO v1.0 compatible FON files. fromMUSTANG
QPROINFO.ZIP 3,540 10-16-92 Qmodempro 6.0 Info
QSUSBBS.ZIP 10,981 10-11-92 Quick Search Darwin's Nat'l BBS List (USBBS)
QWKMAIL.ZIP 4,773 03-24-92 QWK packet file structures Description ofthe files contained in a QWK mail packet anda description of the structures of thesefiles.
QWKNDT1A.ZIP 116,645 11-06-92 QWK'n'Dirty 1.1 Terminal program and QWKreader in one. Full featured scriptlanguage autdetection of QWK packets. Anthony W Hursh
RIBB1292.ZIP 8,629 12-01-92 RI BBS List (Area Code) 401 for 12/92
ROBOBAT.ZIP 1,280 07-07-92 Sample Robocomm startup batch file, to aidin disaster recovery and general Robohousekeeping.
ROBOHELP.ZIP 40,728 07-01-92 Robocomm 4.2 Help files.
ROBOTERM.ZIP 105,580 11-09-92 Roboterm Version 3.0 - ANSI/ASCII terminalprogram - great graphics.
RTT_QM15.ZIP 20,499 03-28-92 Calculate your phone bill with QModem 4/5includes 'today' option, very configurableFrom Europe
S3COM4.ZIP 1,455 08-28-92 Discussion of how S3 graphics chip basedadapters can have conflicts with use of COM4.
SBAFILES.ZIP 2,877 11-05-92 File listing for the new, FREE, SmallBusiness Administration BBS. BBS accessnumbers in file.
SBBSDOCS.ZIP 118,676 05-06-92 Doc File(s) For the Sbbs Software Read them!!
SCRLIT13.ZIP 30,053 11-02-92 SCROLLit 1.3 Scrollback buffer utility. Lets you scroll back, in full color, throughlines of text that have scrolled off thescreen. Many features. Can use XMS, EMSmem. works with QModem, Telix, Procomm. A9k TSR
SHAD16.ZIP 14,794 07-15-92 Shades 'n Shadows RPG Network Info July 92
SLICK59.ZIP 134,678 11-05-92 Slick v5.9: small comm pgm; < 55K/use w/DSZ11/05/92; Terry Tekippe/Gary M. Raymond/Simple <Software> Company.
SLRN_200.ZIP 40,916 09-21-92 SLEARN (SALT Learn Utility) v2.00. Automatic script writer for Telix users. Automate logons, complete sessions, etc. Easy.
SMARTPH.ZIP 228,799 02-05-92 Smart Phone from Pinnacle Software/Canada. Reference/monitor for saving money on calls.
SMCNDIS.ZIP 59,477 07-09-92 SMC (Formerly Western Digital) Ethernet NDISdrivers.
SOCAL080.ZIP 67,535 09-17-92 Latest list from Mike's SoCal Corner BBS.
SPEEDIAL.ZIP 69,514 05-09-92 Speed dialer supports unlimited amount of#'s with command line searches, fast. Enter#'s once and then forget them or print out.
SU_BBS.ZIP 9,599 03-15-92 Latest list of Soviet BBSes (sorry, xUSSRones :)
TAPCIS54.ZIP 359,521 09-11-92 TAPCIS (R) v5.41 the Access program forCompuServe.
TLA31.ZIP 48,219 10-03-92 TLA - The Log Analyzer v3.1 (FREEWARE). Provides total time you called each bbsduring specified month.
TLX320_1.ZIP 172,855 12-14-92 ---- Telix Communications v3.20, 1 of 4 ----Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 filetransfer protocols, 200 + modem setups,terminal emulation, dialing directory, 2powerful script languages, scroll-back andBBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, newdevelopment team, many more new features. This is a maintenance release from 3.15.
TLX320_2.ZIP 86,071 12-14-92 Telix communication v3.20 2 of 4
TLX320_3.ZIP 200,879 12-14-92 Telix communication v3.20 3 of 4
TLX320_4.ZIP 196,723 12-14-92 This is a maintenance release from 3.15.
TLX_P1.ZIP 2,806 08-12-92 Telix auto mail script for GAP BBS TelixSALT automated mail run script for Pier 1Use for unattended mail transfers. OtherGAP-based systems can easily be added. Renames reply packet to avoid accidentalduplicate uploads.
TLX_SOLD.ZIP 1,776 09-28-92 Telix sold by Exis to Jeff Woods. PressPress release discussing the sale of Telixto Jeff Woods, former Exis technical supportrep. New addresses and phone numbers forsupport, sales, and announcement of newreleases.
TM302_1.ZIP 210,013 06-23-92 TELEMATE 3.02, Powerful comm program, 1 of 3TELEMATE is a multi-threading communicationprogram featuring a terminal, an editor, aviewer, a backscroll buffer, a clipboard andmany more convenient functions. Thebuilt-in mouse support provides easy accessto all the functions. This high qualitycomm program gives you OS/2 power in a DOSapplication.
TM302_2.ZIP 204,088 06-23-92 TELEMATE 3.02, Powerful comm program, 2 of 2
TM302_3.ZIP 173,257 06-23-92 TeleMate 3.02 3 0f 3
TOLLFREE.ZIP 0,613 01-09-92 1-800 numbers for BBS A great list A list ofa dozen 1-800 BBS numbers with setups.TheyALL work.Have fun..
TXMDM208.ZIP 13,522 10-10-92 TELIX.MDM (2.08) file for MODEMCFG.EXE(2.02) setup program for Telix version 3.xx. 2.08 corrects: Init string of Supra 14.4 and9600 and dialing prefixes of HST 16.8k Dualto let 16,800 bps connects occur moreeasily. This file is already contained inTLX315-2.ZIP on the Exis BBS, but may not bein the .ZIP files on other systems. Askyour sysop to obtain current files from416-439-9399 HST/DS Newest File in Archive:
USN0492A.ZIP 4,223 04-07-92 List of US Navy and other BBS's of militaryinterest worldwide. 3 APR 1992 edition.